Captcha solving is a very simple and guaranteed way to have additional income in Internet.

Captcha Entry

Captcha Entry Job is one of the most simple online home based options for people looking to earn around Rs.15,000-35,000 per month working in their free spare time. It’s an decent earning for beginners and if you increase the typing speed, you can earn more. You need to create accounts with the companies that provide CAPTCHA ENTRY JOBS, Register and Login to your administration panel and then start solving the Captcha.

What is Captcha?

The Full form of Captcha is “completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart“. Captcha is a type of challenge-response test used in computing to determine whether or not the user is human.

Captcha is also used to prevent bots, as well as other programs on a computer to send or access web servers or websites. It can also prevent websites from the spammer. Most web servers and websites are benefiting from captchas

How to work?
just hit "Start work", then the system will start to show you images with text and you should type this text to the form you're given.
What do I need to work?
All you need is a computer or a smartphone with Internet access. And or course you'll need to pass our simple training that takes

The reason for collecting the Registration fees of online earning is for Charge + Online Training + Account activation + Account maintenance + Online Support a complete support like phone support, chat supportemail support and also for cross checking the reports submitted by the members every month and collection expenses to collect payment from client by our executives.

One PC/Laptop or Smartphone

Reliable internet connection

Dedication for work

You Will Be Given Software Which Will Generate Captcha Automatically.

Zoom training

Good typing speed

You Will Get Your Project After 1 Day Of Your Subscription .

No payout fees. You get in your wallet the exact earned amount.


Captcha Entry Working Plans & Payment Charts


PKR1500Annual & subscription yearly.

  • 1000 Entries = Rs. 160 .
  • Software You Will Be Given​
  • You can type 1000 Captchas in 1-2 hours
  • Username and password
  • 5 Id’s In 1 Captcha Account
  • Your balance is indicated on the DASHBOARD
  • Subscription Valid for 08 Months
  • 24 x 7 Support
  • Referral system
  • Online Training
  • Minimum Payout – Rs 500/-