Facebook Advertising

Facebook marketing is a platform that offers a variety of highly targeted paid advertisements and organic posts, allowing brands to put their products and services in front of the massive audience. Over the last decade, Facebook has shifted from the most prominent social media on the internet into one of the biggest marketplaces.

Facebook is a widely used social networking platform, but it began as a service that only allowed college students to communicate with each other over the Internet. Even after the site opened up to public users, college students continued to comprise a significant segment of the Facebook user base. This makes Facebook a great tool your small business can use to market products to college students. In fact, Facebook’s advertising campaign creator includes settings that can be adjusted to connect to students of a specific college

Facebook Ads Management

Facebook is a social media platform where the users spend time to relax, we make sure that we convey our client's advertising message to their audience without hampering their relax time

Monitor & Analysis

While Facebook provides many ways in which a business can advertise,
we make sure to keep a regular check on which strategy is working and which strategy do we need to

Increase Page Likes

Page likes is the indicator of how your business is being perceived by the target audience. By providing relevant and informative content, we help our clients gain the trust of their audience

The reason for collecting the Registration fees of online earning is for Charge + Online Training + Account activation + Account maintenance + Online Support a complete support like phone support, chat supportemail support and also for cross checking the reports submitted by the members every month and collection expenses to collect payment from client by our executives.

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Our Facebook Promotion Success

Every business who first thinks of advertising on Facebook wonders how profitable this platform actually is for advertising? Although it is super easy to create and set a new Facebook page, it is not a cakewalk to manage and yield the expected results. We always try to implement advanced Facebook FB Advertising techniques to get the desired results. Effective branding takes a lot of effort and time. There are a lot of things that needs to be considered for getting the expected results.

  • How should effective re-marketing be done on Facebook?
  • How frequent posting on Facebook is?
  • What time is the best time to make a post on Facebook?
  • Generating traffic from Facebook marketing

One PC/Laptop or Smartphone

Reliable internet connection

Zoom training

Dedication for work

Facebook Post Open/Close Groups.

You Will Get Your Project After 1 Day Of Your Subscription .


Facebook advertisements Working Plans & Payment Charts


PKR1500 / Annual & subscription yearly.

  • Per Assignment Earning Rs. 3000/-
  • Assignment On weekly basis
  • Post Minimum 700
  • You Will Be Given An Ad
  • Facebook Post Open/Close Groups.
  • Add a Hyperlink in a Microsoft Word
  • Your 50% fee will be refunded
  • Full Access Library
  • Referral system
  • 24 x 7 Support
  • You'll be Given Rs 4/ per post.


PKR6000 / Annual & subscription yearly.

  • Per Assignment Earning Rs. 8000/-
  • Assignment On weekly basis
  • Full Access Library
  • Facebook Post Open/Close Groups.
  • You Will Be Given An Ad
  • Your 50% fee will be refunded
  • Online Training /Zoom
  • Add a Hyperlink in a Microsoft Word
  • Referral system
  • 24 x 7 Support
  • Post Minimum 1000
  • You'll be Given Rs 8/per post.
  • WordPress training course free