SMS Marketing

Sending SMS or messages is the most easiest thing that we ever do, In this job, just you have to send SMS from our portal to our clients. Login to your member area, copy message text given to you, paste it on the SMS portal and send them to our clients. Message text, client numbers and target details will be given to you.

  • Basic Mobile knowledge is enough for this job.
  • No need any typing skills.
  • It’s a non-technical and easy job.
  • Send sms from our own portal not from your mobile.
  • No Minimum Number of work to be done in a day.
  • Earnings will be credited in 1 to 2 hours.
  • Check reports and earning details in the member area 24 x 7.

What is SMS Sending Job?

Sending Marketing Bulk SMS to our clients mobile from our web portal is SMS Sending Job. Work data and instructions will be given to you in the member area, you can do the task accordingly. You will earn money for each and every SMS that you process successfully.

DO i need any skills for this job?

No skills are required for SMS sending job, your basic mobile knowledge is sufficient to send bulk marketing SMS from our portal.

Is there any accuracy required in SMS Sending Job.?

Yes, you would need to send the messages to the right target people mentioned on the instructions part. If there is any mistake, you will not be paid.

How much time does it take to send an SMS?

It takes only 1 to 2 seconds to process an SMS.

What type of SMS will be given to me?

Marketing messages of different products will be given to you. You can select any product that you wish and process them as per the instructions provided.

The reason for collecting the Registration fees of online earning is for Charge + Online Training + Account activation + Account maintenance + Online Support a complete support like phone support, chat support, email support and also for cross checking the reports submitted by the members every month and collection expenses to collect payment from client by our executives.

SMS Marketing

SMS Sending Job Working Plans & Payment Charts


PKR1000Annual & subscription yearly.

  • Per Assignment Earning Rs. 800/-
  • Assignment On Daily-basis
  • Maximum NO. OF SMS Per day: 1500 SMS
  • Company Provide You The Mobile #
  • Referral system
  • 24 x 7 Support
  • Allotted time 24-hours
  • Online Training